Understanding and responding to challenging behaviors

Understand where the child is coming from
Audra Langley, Ph.D. UCLA TIES for Families

Trauma and loss are strong feelings that affect many foster youth and can often have an affect on behavior.

FOCUS Tools:
Try out some of these strategies for helping youth manage trauma and stress reminders

Discipline and consequences
Erin Dornan, Psy.D. - UCLA TIES for Families

Set up clear expectations for youth and be consistent when it comes to consequences

FOCUS Tools:
It's a good habit can be a helpful activity when it comes to defining expectations in your home.

When you have an argument with your foster child
Fawnda Sandoval, LCSW, Department of Child and Family Services

Parents should be positioned as the leaders of their household. Remember to lead by example even when you feel challenged or hurt.

FOCUS Tools:
Try revisiting an argument after you have had time to calm down.

Do not take child reactions personally
Audra Langley, PhD, Department of Child and Family Services

Kids may have negative reactions to the adjustment of living in a new home.

FOCUS Tools:
Get a clue as to how a child is feeling using the Feeling Thermometer. Ask them to track their feelings each day.

Uneven development: Sometimes our teen acts like a little kid
Judy, Foster-Adoptive Parent

Kids may have negative reactions to the adjustment of living in a new home.

FOCUS Tools:
Check in with youth about how they are feeling using the Feeling Thermometer.

Last modified: Monday, 29 November 2021, 11:06 AM