Managing difficulties

Moving is very hard, I learned to take it slowly
Sarah, First Star UCLA Bruin Guardian Academy Student / foster youth

Planning for big transitions does not have to be scary, there are strategies to help.

FOCUS Tools:
Create an action plan to help you prepare to accomplish your goal of a smooth transition.

Advice from a foster youth who has had difficult experiences
Edwardo, First Star Bruin Guardian Scholar / Foster Youth

Identifying a support system can help you through even the roughest times.

FOCUS Tools:
Moving around can be stressful, try some of these activities to help you calm down.

Moving to a different area
Maria- UCLA Bruin Guardian Scholar / Former Foster Youth

Adjusting to a new place can be tough, Maria shares a few tips on how she managed a move to a new part of town.

FOCUS Tools:
It can be hard to think positive about a new place, this thought swap activity can help!

Feeling ashamed of being a foster child
Maria, UCLA Guardian Scholar / former foster youth

Overcome negative feelings with strategies that can help you cope.

FOCUS Tools:
When you are feeling upset or sad try one of these calming strategies.

One day I decided to stop crying and do something about it
Maria & Annika, Guardian Scholars / former foster youth

Find strategies that help you feel in control of your reactions to stressful situations.

FOCUS Tools:
When you feel stressed things can feel out of control. Try one of these activities to help.

Last modified: Monday, 29 November 2021, 11:25 AM